To support us within India you can choose between doing a bank transfer via NEFT/RTGS or through the UPI banking app.
You can donate within India in a quick and easy way by donating with any UPI smartphone app. Just use this QR-Code to make your donation. Even the smallest donation counts!
For a bank transfer please use the following account details:
Concern for Humanity
Account No: 602210100022480
IFSC Code: BKID0006022
Branch Address: Panchsheel Branch, 7-Panchsheel Shopping Centre, New Delhi – 110016, New Delhi, India
All donations from overseas may be sent to the following account:
You can donate from overseas with for example WISE for a minimum of costs. Just create an account and you can use for example your paypal wallet to make a transfer.
Concern for Humanity
Account No: 40020081079
Branch Code: 00691
IFSC Code: SBIN0000691
Branch Address: FCRA Cell, 4th Floor, State Bank of India, New Delhi Main Branch, 11 Sansad Marg, New Delhi – 110001.
A small amount can change the life of a child; through education, nutrition, and basic protection, children can lead normal lives. The adjacent graph is a representation of how we have utilised your donations.